ube Test & Compare allows you to choose the best thumbnail for your video //

YouTube has launched a new tool to help marketers choose the best thumbnail for their video.

Test & Compare, or A/B thumbnail tests, provides performance data that reveals which designs generate the highest click through rates (CTRs).

Why we care. This new feature helps advertisers understand their audience better, so they can create an engaging thumbnail that could result in a higher CTR.

How the tool works. Marketers can upload up to three thumbnails for each video. YouTube bots then perform experiments on the images to determine which is the best performing. This will allow advertisers to make an informed choice when choosing which thumbnails they would like to accompany their videos.

What is new? Currently, only a small number of creators have been selected to participate in the test. YouTube will launch a beta-version in the next few months, allowing thousands of creators to use the tool. The video platform will make this feature more widely available in the coming year.

Why now YouTube has responded to the consumer demand for the Test & Compare feature by launching it.

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What did YouTube say? The team is working on making the tool more widely available starting next year. But we wanted to let you know that testing has officially begun because we knew that this was a highly requested feature. It will also help you to make better decisions based on data about your thumbnail strategy. YouTube’s spokesperson acknowledged that the community has been eagerly awaiting this feature. “We know you have been waiting for it, so we thank you for your patience and for providing feedback throughout the process,” they said.

What’s next? More announcements will follow as testing commences ahead of the planned wider rollout. A spokesperson said:

A deeper dive: For more information about the YouTube Creator community and its technical team, visit Creator Insider YouTube channel.

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